How to get the next hint?

Depending on the current difficulty, you may have different number of hints for each stage.

To get the next hint of the stage, follow the next steps:

  1. Take the source code of the current web page.
  2. Keep only the numbers, uppercase and lowercase A to F.
  3. Treat this string as a chunk of hexdecimal data.
  4. Add a 0 in the end if there is an odd number of hex digits.
  5. Hash this chunk of data with MD5.
  6. Convert the MD5 result in lowercase hexdecimal.
  7. Treat this as an “answer” to get the hint.

You can use the following tools as a way to produce the hint hash:

Remember, you can use these steps to get the first hint and following hints of all stages once they are available. You may see a 404 error for any of the following reasons:

Try the steps above with source of this page to get the answer to this stage!